Category: 🎙️ Podcasts

Doctrine of Christ podcasts that cover the teachings of Jesus Christ from himself and true prophets throughout history.

Wheat and tares

The Separation of the Wheat & the Tares

A desolating scourge and judgment will be poured out upon the earth, but the promise of the Lord is that the righteous may be saved “inasmuch as they are willing to be guided in a right and proper way for their salvation.” The wheat will be gathered out from the tares, and the wise virgins will be spared only if they receive the truth, take the holy spirit as their guide and avoid deception.

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Moroni the last prohet in the Book of Mormon

King Benjamin & Moroni Teach the Doctrine of Christ

King Benjamin’s angelic tutoring showed him how his people could be completely reborn as children of Christ and receive their true endowment of the Holy Ghost. Moroni also taught the doctrine of Christ with purity and power, that our generation might escape the apostate and corrupted teachings of our day and become the sons and daughters of Christ through a true spiritual rebirth.

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Abomination of desolation fires

Abomination of Desolation & the Desolating Scourge

The “abomination of desolation” was shown to the prophet Daniel, emphasized by Jesus Christ during his ministry and spoken of again in latter days through revelations through Joseph Smith. The destruction and captivity of Jerusalem came to pass as prophesied, but the parallels to the tribulations of the last days are clearly set forth, as is the warning call to repent and return to the Lord.

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Transfiguration of Jesus Christ Moses John the Baptist

Seek This Jesus of Whom the Prophets & Apostles Have Written

Moroni boldly declares “I have seen Jesus, and that he hath talked with me face to face.” Men of God in every generation have tried to teach the people to come unto Jesus Christ and let Him heal you, convert you, minister to you and even show Himself to you. The possibility is real, but we’re taught that like the prophets of old, we too will “receive no witness until after the trial of [our] faith.”

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Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty

The Lord’s Laws & Justification for War

True Christians denounce war and proclaim peace. God despises tyranny, oppression and every violation of universal human rights. When one’s fundamental rights are breached, is violence or murder ever justified under God’s law? Under what conditions does the Lord declare warfare to be just, authorize its use, and expect godly men to use deadly force in the protection of human life?

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