Tag: Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Where do we find the doctrine of christ?

What is the Doctrine of Christ?

Christ’s doctrine is what He declares it is. His doctrine is so important to comprehend that Jesus warns people to keep it accurate. “Whoso shall declare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil.” He declares that those who are on His rock profess no more or less than His doctrine. Living the doctrine of Christ is the only way to “come unto Him” and obtain the gift of salvation. What is the doctrine of Christ exactly?

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Peace through Jesus

My Peace I Give Unto You

The world will not and cannot offer peace. Peace is a gift from God, given to “the peacemakers” and the “peaceable followers of Christ” who exercise faith in Him, repent and come unto Him. True followers who are born again in Christ are they who are “filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience, because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ.”

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Born of God through

Born of God- The Baptism of Fire & the Holy Ghost

What does it mean to be “born of God?” We must fully understand this pivotal moment in one’s life, where a covenant of lifelong commitment and devotion to God above all else is received and rewarded by the heavens. God grants his children abilities to assist in healing, teaching and developing using His power, beginning with the gift of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the spirits that accompany those born of God.

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Is being born again a gradual process or an event?

Born Again- A Process or an Event?

Is being born again (becoming spiritually begotten as a child of God through the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost) an event or is it a process? The scriptures clearly describe that this event occurs only when we have gone through the process of truly submitting to the Lord as little children, with broken hearts and contrite spirits. This is the gate through which all true followers must pass.

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Pentecost Dove Baptism of Fire and the baptism of the Holy Ghost

What is the Baptism of Fire & Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

The baptism of fire and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is perhaps the most pivotal point in a mortal’s life, and the most crucial to understand and to seek. One becomes a son or daughter of Christ in this spectacular moment. They are made clean, are truly converted and become “new creatures in Christ” with new hearts that seeks no more to do evil, but good continually.

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