Tag: Repentance

The Doctrine of Christ in ten seconds

The Doctrine of Christ in 10 Seconds

How can you identify and teach the doctrine of Christ in it’s simplest form, perhaps in under 10 seconds? How did the prophets in the scriptures summarize it concisely and accurately? Can we do the same? We’ll explore the many simple and precise “power verses,” and show you a pattern to spot that helps the doctrine of Christ leap out of the pages and give you new eyes for Christ’s doctrine in the scriptures.

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Where do we find the doctrine of christ?

What is the Doctrine of Christ?

Christ’s doctrine is what He declares it is. His doctrine is so important to comprehend that Jesus warns people to keep it accurate. “Whoso shall declare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil.” He declares that those who are on His rock profess no more or less than His doctrine. Living the doctrine of Christ is the only way to “come unto Him” and obtain the gift of salvation. What is the doctrine of Christ exactly?

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Repent and return

Repent & Return

To a lost & fallen people, no message is more important to hear, discuss, understand and hearken: Repent & Return. “How oft have I gathered you,” Christ asked the Nephites, referring to the past, and follows up with “how oft will I gather you?” Remember the past mercies offered by God, and pay attention to the same opportunity you have today to return to Christ and put 100% of your faith in Him.

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Willing to make these things known unto all flesh banner

Willing to Make These Things Known Unto All Flesh

In the opening chapters of the book of Isaiah, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine & Covenants, a bold principle is illustrated. The members of the then current church were called out to repent and come to Christ. Lehi was a faithful man to the Jewish faith of his time, yet he was sent prophets to wake him up, persuade him to faithfully seek Christ as his one and only leader, and to abandon the false traditions of his people.

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Saved by grace after all we can do

Saved By Grace, After All We Can Do

Are we saved by grace or works? The interplay between these concepts is important to understand, and potentially devastating to get wrong. Nephi’s phrase “saved by grace after all we can do” has confused latter-day gentiles for centuries. What does “after all we can do” even mean? What can someone do to “qualify” for grace? Who’s the recipient of the grace of Jesus Christ?

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