Tag: Repentance

Great is His Joy in the Soul That Repents

Great is His Joy in the Soul That Repents

The “worth of souls is great” and a soul that repents brings joy to God. Prophets teach tirelessly to get the people to be wise about this critical fork in the road: repentance and joy, or bondage and death. Christ’s pleads for us to understand: “I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent. But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I.”

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The Doctrine of Repentance and Atonement

Repentance & The Doctrine of The Atonement

Alma’s son Corianton received from his father one of the best discourses on the atonement ever given, after having found himself entangled in sin while a missionary. Alma detailed the delicate balance between mercy, justice and law, showing how everyone can come unto Christ and have their sins remitted. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as wool, if you allow Christ’s atonement to take root in you.

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False Traditions need to be abandoned

Abandoning Your False Traditions of the Fathers

In coming unto Christ fully, it’s required to acknowledge, repent of and abandon the false traditions we carry. Moses’s Israelites “gave heed to the traditions of their fathers and believed not the gospel of Christ.” Book of Mormon missionaries worked diligently to bring people “to the knowledge of the baseness of the traditions of their fathers, which were not correct” so that they might be converted.

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Doctrine of Christ scriptures

The Doctrine of Christ Explained in One Verse

If you are new to the Doctrine of Christ, this article will help familiarize you with the words and phrases used by the prophets in the Book of Mormon to teach it. All four steps on the path of ascension are explained. Each Book of Mormon prophet bears their own witness of this doctrine, and this article lists 20+ “power verse” scriptures where they teach their people the Doctrine of Christ in one single verse.

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Lamoni's father receives baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost

Lamoni’s Father- 5 Steps to Baptism of Fire & Holy Ghost

Aaron taught Lamoni’s father (the Lamanite king) how to come unto Christ and be born of God. The steps were simple, precise and accurate. The king followed these instructions with faith, believing he too could enjoy the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. Ammon witnessed first hand the mighty conversion of the king and the remarkable fruits in the lives of his believing people.

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Story of Ammon and King Lamoni

Ammon & King Lamoni- A Mighty Change of Heart

The story of Ammon and King Lamoni demonstrates what happens when someone believes the doctrine of Christ when taught with power. King Lamoni, his wife and his servants experienced a “mighty change in heart” when baptized by fire and the Holy Ghost. Their experiences give us valuable insights into how anyone with their faith can shed their “dispositions to do evil” and become fully converted.

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