Tag: Salvation

The Doctrine of Christ in ten seconds

The Doctrine of Christ in 10 Seconds

How can you identify and teach the doctrine of Christ in it’s simplest form, perhaps in under 10 seconds? How did the prophets in the scriptures summarize it concisely and accurately? Can we do the same? We’ll explore the many simple and precise “power verses,” and show you a pattern to spot that helps the doctrine of Christ leap out of the pages and give you new eyes for Christ’s doctrine in the scriptures.

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Where do we find the doctrine of christ?

What is the Doctrine of Christ?

Christ’s doctrine is what He declares it is. His doctrine is so important to comprehend that Jesus warns people to keep it accurate. “Whoso shall declare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil.” He declares that those who are on His rock profess no more or less than His doctrine. Living the doctrine of Christ is the only way to “come unto Him” and obtain the gift of salvation. What is the doctrine of Christ exactly?

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Knowing the Lord - Parable of the ten virgins

“You Know Me Not” – Getting to Know the Lord

Do we know Jesus Christ or do we only believe in Him? Twelve Jerusalem disciples thought they knew Him, but they all abandoned Him when things got difficult. Thankfully, they exercised faith unto repentance and came to truly know Christ, just as all of us can. The Lord shows us how to be wise and prepared when He comes, so that we may avoid the regretful words β€œye knew me not.”

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Faith, knowledge and the cherubim and a flaming sword

First Redemption, Then Salvation- Flaming Swords of Mercy

Knowledge without faith (seeking a sign) and salvation without redemption (saved in one’s sinful state) are both equally damning. God, in His wisdom and mercy figuratively β€œguards the tree of knowledge with cherubim and a flaming sword.” Only after we exercise sufficient faith unto a broken heart and contrite spirit can we enjoy the knowledge of God and rightfully partake of the fruit of eternal life.

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Doctrine of Christ scriptures

The Doctrine of Christ Explained in One Verse

If you are new to the Doctrine of Christ, this article will help familiarize you with the words and phrases used by the prophets in the Book of Mormon to teach it. All four steps on the path of ascension are explained. Each Book of Mormon prophet bears their own witness of this doctrine, and this article lists 20+ β€œpower verse” scriptures where they teach their people the Doctrine of Christ in one single verse.

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