Category: 📽️ Videos

Doctrine of Christ videos that cover the teachings of Jesus Christ from himself and true prophets throughout history.

Real intent and full purpose of heart

Real Intent & Full Purpose of Heart

God can’t be deceived, and we can’t fake our way into any spiritual status. The promises, commandments and conditions of the gospel are all tied to “real intent” and “full purpose of heart.” These are the indications of our true character and desires, and if done right, they are keys that unlock the power of the gospel and God’s promises. What is our true intent and purpose of heart?

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What is the everlasting covnant? It is the doctrine of christ the same was taught yesterday today and forever

Doctrine of Christ- The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever

God taught clearly the everlasting covenant since Adam and Eve as the only means of salvation for the human race. The doctrine of Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, as detailed in the dozens of examples throughout scriptural history. Faith in Christ, baptism by water, fire and by the Holy Ghost is and always was the plan of salvation. The new and everlasting covenant has always been the doctrine of Christ.

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man baptized by fire and the holy ghost

Why Do You Need the Baptism of Fire & The Holy Ghost?

Part 1 described, through the scriptures, what exactly IS the baptism of fire and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Part 2 describes why we all need it. We proudly assume we have received it even though the scriptures tell a different story. It is the justification event required to put us on the path to eternal life. It is not an easy journey, but well worth the effort.

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Seeing the Scriptures with New Eyes

Seeing the Scriptures with New Eyes

Nephi teaches that many “plain and precious truths” were removed from the scriptures. What was removed, and why? Understanding the doctrine of Christ requires us to be familiar with the terms the prophets used to describe the same thing. We also need to pay close attention to patterns in scripture that denote sequential steps through ascension as we draw near to God and return to Him.

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Pentecost Dove Baptism of Fire and the baptism of the Holy Ghost

What is the Baptism of Fire & Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

The baptism of fire and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is perhaps the most pivotal point in a mortal’s life, and the most crucial to understand and to seek. One becomes a son or daughter of Christ in this spectacular moment. They are made clean, are truly converted and become “new creatures in Christ” with new hearts that seeks no more to do evil, but good continually.

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