Tag: Atonement

Curing hopelessness and depression through Jesus Christ

Healing Hopelessness Through Jesus Christ’s Atonement

Hopelessness, anxiety, depression and despair are all the fruits of darkness. Jesus Christ provided detailed instructions to his prophets regarding how to heal the hopeless and rebirth His believers into new creatures of light, full of faith, hope and charity. Jesus can heal all sickness and affliction, including mental, emotional, spiritual and physical suffering. But we must put our trust in Him alone, and not the arm of flesh.

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The Doctrine of Repentance and Atonement

Repentance & The Doctrine of The Atonement

Alma’s son Corianton received from his father one of the best discourses on the atonement ever given, after having found himself entangled in sin while a missionary. Alma detailed the delicate balance between mercy, justice and law, showing how everyone can come unto Christ and have their sins remitted. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as wool, if you allow Christ’s atonement to take root in you.

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Jacob and Nephi teach the doctrine of Christ

Nephi & Jacob Teach the Doctrine of Christ

Nephi’s last writings hit hard on the doctrine of Christ, leaving simple, plain and unmistakeable instructions on how to come unto Christ. Jacob was commanded by Nephi to continue teaching this core doctrine to the Nephites with power and clarity. This isn’t just one of many doctrines. Rather, this is “the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” We must get it right.

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