Tag: Everlasting covenant

The Abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel

Scattered Watchmen & Cleansing the Lord’s House

Before the Lord returns in His glory, the earth must be prepared for his coming. The Lord’s end-time servant will go before the Lord to gather together the “strength of the Lord’s house” to return to the vineyard, break down the hedge, overthrow the towers, and scatter their watchmen. The great and marvelous work commences and the final gathering of the elect takes place.

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Day of Pentecost in Acts 2

Understanding the New & Everlasting Covenant of Baptism

The “new and an everlasting covenant” is the same “as in days of old” and “even that which was from the beginning.” The Lord’s command is “enter ye in at the gate, as I have commanded, and seek not to counsel your God.” What’s the gate? Where is it? How does one know if they have entered in? These are the simple, but crucial answers required to come unto Christ His way. The only way.

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