Tag: Healing

See ye earnestly the best gifts of the spirit

Seeking the Best Gifts of the Spirit

The Lord gives to people gifts of the spirit for the benefit of all that believe. He gives them “that ye may not be deceived… always remembering for what they are given.” And why are they given? “They are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do.” The Lord commands us to “seek ye earnestly the best gifts” that we might be of service to His believers.

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Curing hopelessness and depression through Jesus Christ

Healing Hopelessness Through Jesus Christ’s Atonement

Hopelessness, anxiety, depression and despair are all the fruits of darkness. Jesus Christ provided detailed instructions to his prophets regarding how to heal the hopeless and rebirth His believers into new creatures of light, full of faith, hope and charity. Jesus can heal all sickness and affliction, including mental, emotional, spiritual and physical suffering. But we must put our trust in Him alone, and not the arm of flesh.

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