Tag: LDS Church

Converted to Jesus Christ through the word

Helping Church Members Become Converted to Jesus Christ

Our hearts break for our friends and loved ones who do not yet know the Lord. We try our best to share our witness, but sometimes that only drives people further away. The sons of Mosiah were able to convert thousands of their most ferocious enemies. How did they do it? There are many things we can learn from their experiences to help us bring those we know to the altar of God.

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Jacob teaches that the Jews looked beyond the mark

What “Looking Beyond the Mark” Really Means

Have you ever accused someone of “looking beyond the mark?” What is the mark? Is it the Lord, the atonement, the leaders of the LDS church, or something else? Jacob may have meant something different than we thought when he accused the Jews of looking beyond the mark in Jacob 4:14. Perhaps we should understand what the mark is, before we accuse people of “looking beyond the mark.”

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Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life explained

Tree of Life Vision: A Doctrine of Christ Primer

Nephi answered his brothers’ questions and explained the meaning of their father’s dream. And then something miraculous happens. Teaching them about the tree of life causes them to humble themselves before the Lord. For possibly the first time ever, Nephi believed there was a chance his brothers would enter into the new covenant to receive the 1st and 2nd Comforters for themselves.

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Angel Moroni Statue's broken trumpet at the LDS Salt lake Temple

The LDS Church- Awakening to Our Situation

Understanding what happened during Joseph Smith’s day requires investigation and connecting the dots. The fullness of the priesthood was taken from the Saints. However, the Lord still refers to the church as “his house” and he has prepared a way for the saints to repent and return, take the Holy Spirit as their guide (forsaking their deception), enter into the new and everlasting covenant and be saved.

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