Tag: Noah

Nephi I will go and do the things which the lord hath commanded

Understanding Nephi’s “I Will Go & Do” With New Eyes

Nephiโ€™s famous โ€œI will go and doโ€ one-liner is not the hallmark example of blind obedience to a parent, a prophet, or a religion. Rather, itโ€™s the fruits of one who has put in the time, effort and faith to understand Godโ€™s will for themselves, seeking to become a true servant. After the Lord endows a servant with His power, then no task, favor, commandment or mission is too large, too scary or too inconvenient.

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What is the everlasting covnant? It is the doctrine of christ the same was taught yesterday today and forever

Doctrine of Christ- The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever

God taught clearly the everlasting covenant since Adam and Eve as the only means of salvation for the human race. The doctrine of Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, as detailed in the dozens of examples throughout scriptural history. Faith in Christ, baptism by water, fire and by the Holy Ghost is and always was the plan of salvation. The new and everlasting covenant has always been the doctrine of Christ.

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