Tag: Spiritual gifts

See ye earnestly the best gifts of the spirit

Seeking the Best Gifts of the Spirit

The Lord gives to people gifts of the spirit for the benefit of all that believe. He gives them “that ye may not be deceived… always remembering for what they are given.” And why are they given? “They are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do.” The Lord commands us to “seek ye earnestly the best gifts” that we might be of service to His believers.

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Converted to Jesus Christ through the word

Helping Church Members Become Converted to Jesus Christ

Our hearts break for our friends and loved ones who do not yet know the Lord. We try our best to share our witness, but sometimes that only drives people further away. The sons of Mosiah were able to convert thousands of their most ferocious enemies. How did they do it? There are many things we can learn from their experiences to help us bring those we know to the altar of God.

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Real intent and full purpose of heart

Real Intent & Full Purpose of Heart

God canโ€™t be deceived, and we canโ€™t fake our way into any spiritual status. The promises, commandments and conditions of the gospel are all tied to โ€œreal intentโ€ and โ€œfull purpose of heart.โ€ These are the indications of our true character and desires, and if done right, they are keys that unlock the power of the gospel and Godโ€™s promises. What is our true intent and purpose of heart?

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