Author: Admin

captain moroni fights war of liberty

The War of Liberty- Alma & Captain Moroni

Secret combinations enforced tyranny and appointed wicked and murderous leaders into positions of power. The Nephites only sought to preserve their lands, houses, family, rights, privileges, liberty, and ability to worship God. The Nephites followed God’s command to “defend your families even unto bloodshed” and fought a defensive war with success, and extended a peaceful covenant to those who sought to destroy them.

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Great is His Joy in the Soul That Repents

Great is His Joy in the Soul That Repents

The “worth of souls is great” and a soul that repents brings joy to God. Prophets teach tirelessly to get the people to be wise about this critical fork in the road: repentance and joy, or bondage and death. Christ’s pleads for us to understand: “I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent. But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I.”

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The Doctrine of Repentance and Atonement

Repentance & The Doctrine of The Atonement

Alma’s son Corianton received from his father one of the best discourses on the atonement ever given, after having found himself entangled in sin while a missionary. Alma detailed the delicate balance between mercy, justice and law, showing how everyone can come unto Christ and have their sins remitted. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as wool, if you allow Christ’s atonement to take root in you.

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Born of God through

Born of God- The Baptism of Fire & the Holy Ghost

What does it mean to be “born of God?” We must fully understand this pivotal moment in one’s life, where a covenant of lifelong commitment and devotion to God above all else is received and rewarded by the heavens. God grants his children abilities to assist in healing, teaching and developing using His power, beginning with the gift of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the spirits that accompany those born of God.

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Korihor the anti-christ Zoramites rameumptom

Korihor the Anti-Christ, Zoramites & Preaching God’s Word

Korihor’s anti-Christ doctrines were gaining popularity among many. Having witnessed its damage tot he faith of many people, including the Zoramites, Alma resolved that “the preaching of the word… had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else… therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.”

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The People of Ammon and the Anti-Nephi Lehis

The People of Ammon & The Doctrine of Christ

The people of Ammon experienced the preaching of one who had the spirit of prophecy and revelation and who taught the doctrine of Christ by the power of God. Some experienced a mighty change and came unto Christ, Others rejected them, spat upon them, kicked them out of their churches and homes and sought to kill them. These joys and sorrows are the psalms of God’s true servants.

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