Tag: Doctrine of Christ

The Good Samaritan - the 2 great commandments in the law

Two Great Commandments & Doctrine of Christ

According to Jesus, the two great commandments of “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength” and “love thy neighbour as thyself” are the greatest of all commandments. But does this excuse one from obedience to all of the Lord’s commandments? Jesus also taught, “if ye love me, keep my commandments” and “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

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The 12 Beatitudes and the Doctrine of Christ

The Twelve Beatitudes & The Doctrine of Christ

Jesus’s teachings contain a series of progressive steps (and corresponding blessings) detailing how to come unto Him and become perfected in Him. These are the twelve “beatitudes.” Nephi prophesied “plain and precious truths” would be systematically stripped from the record, causing a stumbling block. In the latter days, God restored the first missing beatitudes to unlock “the gate by which we should enter” to this path of discipleship.

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Korihor the anti-christ Zoramites rameumptom

Korihor the Anti-Christ, Zoramites & Preaching God’s Word

Korihor’s anti-Christ doctrines were gaining popularity among many. Having witnessed its damage tot he faith of many people, including the Zoramites, Alma resolved that “the preaching of the word… had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else… therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.”

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Angels delivering glad tidings of great joy to prophets

What Are the Glad Tidings of Great Joy?

What are these “glad tidings of great joy” delivered by angels? Who received them, and why? What was the message or the news exactly? Who are the wise men and what was their role? What are their names and where are they from? Who were the “shepherds” abiding in the fields awaiting the “good news?” Were their “flocks” really just sheep, or were they congregations of faithful Christians converging in the area for the advent of Christ?

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The People of Ammon and the Anti-Nephi Lehis

The People of Ammon & The Doctrine of Christ

The people of Ammon experienced the preaching of one who had the spirit of prophecy and revelation and who taught the doctrine of Christ by the power of God. Some experienced a mighty change and came unto Christ, Others rejected them, spat upon them, kicked them out of their churches and homes and sought to kill them. These joys and sorrows are the psalms of God’s true servants.

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What is the everlasting covnant? It is the doctrine of christ the same was taught yesterday today and forever

Doctrine of Christ- The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever

God taught clearly the everlasting covenant since Adam and Eve as the only means of salvation for the human race. The doctrine of Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, as detailed in the dozens of examples throughout scriptural history. Faith in Christ, baptism by water, fire and by the Holy Ghost is and always was the plan of salvation. The new and everlasting covenant has always been the doctrine of Christ.

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