Tag: Doctrine of Christ

False Traditions need to be abandoned

Abandoning Your False Traditions of the Fathers

In coming unto Christ fully, it’s required to acknowledge, repent of and abandon the false traditions we carry. Moses’s Israelites “gave heed to the traditions of their fathers and believed not the gospel of Christ.” Book of Mormon missionaries worked diligently to bring people “to the knowledge of the baseness of the traditions of their fathers, which were not correct” so that they might be converted.

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Faith, knowledge and the cherubim and a flaming sword

First Redemption, Then Salvation- Flaming Swords of Mercy

Knowledge without faith (seeking a sign) and salvation without redemption (saved in one’s sinful state) are both equally damning. God, in His wisdom and mercy figuratively “guards the tree of knowledge with cherubim and a flaming sword.” Only after we exercise sufficient faith unto a broken heart and contrite spirit can we enjoy the knowledge of God and rightfully partake of the fruit of eternal life.

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Seeing the Scriptures with New Eyes

Seeing the Scriptures with New Eyes

Nephi teaches that many “plain and precious truths” were removed from the scriptures. What was removed, and why? Understanding the doctrine of Christ requires us to be familiar with the terms the prophets used to describe the same thing. We also need to pay close attention to patterns in scripture that denote sequential steps through ascension as we draw near to God and return to Him.

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Doctrine of Christ scriptures

The Doctrine of Christ Explained in One Verse

If you are new to the Doctrine of Christ, this article will help familiarize you with the words and phrases used by the prophets in the Book of Mormon to teach it. All four steps on the path of ascension are explained. Each Book of Mormon prophet bears their own witness of this doctrine, and this article lists 20+ “power verse” scriptures where they teach their people the Doctrine of Christ in one single verse.

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Jacob teaches that the Jews looked beyond the mark

What “Looking Beyond the Mark” Really Means

Have you ever accused someone of “looking beyond the mark?” What is the mark? Is it the Lord, the atonement, the leaders of the LDS church, or something else? Jacob may have meant something different than we thought when he accused the Jews of looking beyond the mark in Jacob 4:14. Perhaps we should understand what the mark is, before we accuse people of “looking beyond the mark.”

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Story of Ammon and King Lamoni

Ammon & King Lamoni- A Mighty Change of Heart

The story of Ammon and King Lamoni demonstrates what happens when someone believes the doctrine of Christ when taught with power. King Lamoni, his wife and his servants experienced a “mighty change in heart” when baptized by fire and the Holy Ghost. Their experiences give us valuable insights into how anyone with their faith can shed their “dispositions to do evil” and become fully converted.

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