Tag: Joseph Smith

What is the everlasting covnant? It is the doctrine of christ the same was taught yesterday today and forever

Doctrine of Christ- The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever

God taught clearly the everlasting covenant since Adam and Eve as the only means of salvation for the human race. The doctrine of Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, as detailed in the dozens of examples throughout scriptural history. Faith in Christ, baptism by water, fire and by the Holy Ghost is and always was the plan of salvation. The new and everlasting covenant has always been the doctrine of Christ.

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Davidic Servant (End-time servant) battles the Assyrian King (king of Babylon)

Showdown- King of Babylon vs. End-time Servant

A terrifying tyrannical rampage of the King of Babylon will annihilate billions. He will target the notorious saints of God for extermination, who openly defy him and refuse to bow to him. The Lord endows with power and sends His end-time servant to inspire the faithful, lead them out of captivity and to demonstrate the Lord’s matchless power to frustrate the designs of any who dare to fight against Zion.

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Joseph Smith returns as the end-time servant to perform "the marvelous work and a wonder"

Joseph Smith & A Marvelous Work and A Wonder

A “marvelous work and a wonder” is the Lord’s description of His efforts to gather and save his elect from the most severe bondage and destruction plot in history. Joseph Smith successfully laid the foundation of Zion 190 years ago. But he’s returning again with vengeance to scatter watchmen, tear down hedges, destroy their towers and redeem the Lord’s vineyard. Zion will return triumphant.

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recieving the gift of the holy ghost

Have I Received the Holy Ghost?

Each baptized person who joins the LDS Church has hands laid upon their heads afterwards. They then receive the injunction to “receive the Holy Ghost.” So, the real question that they should be asking themselves is: Have I really received the Holy Ghost? One can and should know if they have indeed been truly born of God yet. Those who haven’t are often unsure, while those who have know with surety.

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Isaiah's Terebinth Tree & Salt That Loses Its Savor

Isaiah’s Terebinth Tree & Salt That Loses Its Savor

In the last days, only a portion of those who have entered into the Everlasting Covenant will endure to the end and avoid destruction, the rest having become “salt that has lost its savor.” Isaiah’s metaphors speak of a terebinth tree being cut down, only to regrow again from its tenacious root stock. Those that prove true and faithful (the 10% of the 10%) will dwell in the New Jerusalem and receive their reward.

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Alma vs Korihor - All things denote that there is a god

Alma’s Baptism of Fire & Call to Sanctify His People

Like all prophets since the beginning, Alma received his baptism by fire and the Holy Ghost and immediately turned to preaching the pure doctrine of Christ in hopes of sanctifying his people. Alma’s calling was identical to that of Joseph Smith, Moses and every other true prophet. The story of Alma holds a key to understanding the crucial invitation to sanctify ourselves that’s still on the table, but the clock is ticking.

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