Category: Uncategorized

The Second Comforter and seeking the face of the lord

The Second Comforter & Seeking the Face of the Lord

We are commanded to seek the face of the Lord. True prophets have always sought diligently to teach their people to sanctify themselves. Why? Because the entire purpose of sanctification is to prepare us to enter into the presence of the Lord, to “know him” and to receive a fullness of His salvation. No unclean thing can dwell with God in His glory, so Him making us clean is the first step.

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baptism of joseph smith and oliver cowdery

Baptism into the Church of Christ & the Terrestrial Order

The Church of Christ is the terrestrial order, or the “higher law” that Jesus Christ himself taught to his followers in Judea and Bountiful. When one has truly repented of all their sins with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and deception before God, one has taken upon themselves the name of Christ and is fit to enter into the kingdom of God on the earth: The Church of Christ.

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What is the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost

Baptism of Fire & the Holy Ghost & Entering Into the Rest of the Lord

The baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost should be studied, pondered, prayed for diligently and sought after with extraordinary faith. It requires an “all in” dedication as one takes upon them the name of Christ, having offered up a true sacrifice: a broken heart and a contrite spirit. It cleanses one and places them firmly on the path to entering into the Lord’s rest, as they endure in faith.

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Wolves in sheeps clothing

The End-time Servant – Isaiah 48-49 & Jeremiah 23

Both Isaiah and Jeremiah wrote extensively about the apostasy of the Lord’s house in ancient times, while paralleling it with the last days and the condition of the gentiles. False shepherds and wolves leading the flock are the indisputable realities of the visions that both of these prophets saw concerning us. Jesus warned about false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing, and for a very good reason.

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Alma the younger sees an angel

True Conversion: Alma the Younger & the Doctrine of Christ

Alma’s arrogant and rebellious son took pleasure in destroying the Church of Christ. Regardless, the Lord sent forth a mighty angelic messenger to rattle his cage, humble him and instill a desire for a mighty change of heart. What was the message that rang Alma’s bell? Is the same message available to us? Can each of us choose to have an Alma the Younger-like conversion?

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Becoming Sons of God

Becoming the Sons & Daughters of God

Becoming Gods sons and daughters represents the full potential of human achievement. He wants each of us to be truly created in His image, spiritually, as well as physically. The path to becoming the sons and daughters of God is clearly outlined in the doctrine of Christ. However, it’s not something that’s automatic at physical birth. Rather, it’s conditional upon spiritual rebirth.

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