Christ Prophesies of End-time Deliverance


Christ taught the Nephites about the end-time deliverance and the destruction that would come in the last days. However, He also taught about the triumph of Zion and the building of the New Jerusalem. The latter-day gentiles may receive the sealed portion containing the end from the beginning in β€œthe day that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord.”

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3 Nephi 24 / Malachi 3

Lord’s end time servant prepares the way for Christ, Israel gathered. Priest (Eliashib) robbing God and the whole nation stealing the tithes.

3 Nephi 25 / Malachi 4

In Malachi 4:5–6; 3 Nephi 25:5–6;26:1–2, God destroys the wicked and heals the righteous. Elijah turns the hearts of fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.

  • D&C 84:31-38 – The sons of Aaron & sons of Moses offer acceptable sacrifice. Sons of Moses and Aaron to be filled with glory upon Mount Zion (temple in New Jerusalem) after the end-time deliverance.
    • Christ: Rest of Lord;
    • The Father: ordained and sealed to the Patriarchal order of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  • D&C 76:55-59,63-68 – This section contains an explanation of the patriarchal priesthood.
  • D&C 84:2 – Mount Zion = New Jerusalem
  • 2 Nephi 21:1-5,10-12 – Rod out of the stem. Branch v1, 10 (House of Joseph who accept) out of Roots
  • D&C 113:1-6
    • Stem of Jesse: Christ
    • Rod of Jesse: End-time servant (latter-day ministry)
    • Root of Jesse: End-time servant (end-time ministry)

3 Nephi 26

Christ expounds the end from the beginning in this chapter.

  • Ether 4:4-7 – Gentiles to receive the sealed portion and end from the beginning.

3 Nephi 27 & 28

The requirements for Christ’s church are set forth in chapter 27. Christ explains the atonement. In chapter 28, the 3 Nephites are translated and tarry on the earth with john the Revelator until Christ comes again.

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